Plastic support awl
Eqn. 1
Plastic Support Number | npl | = |
Sheet thickness | s0 | = | mm |
Calc 1
Plastic support number sheet metal90
The "plastic spot" is a special case in which the plastic zone is surrounded by a large area of elastic regions. In such cases, the fully plastic load capacity is very high and the tolerable elongation εis the only decisive factor.
Eqn. 2
Plastic Support Number | npl | = |
Young's modulus | E | = | GPa | |||
Tolerable total stretch | εertr | = | % | |||
Yield strength | Rp 0,2 | = | MPa |
Calc 2
Plastic support number special case “plastic spot”89
Werkstoffgruppe | Stahl | Aluminium |
E [GPa] | 210 | 70 |
εertr [%] | 5 | 2 |
Tbl. 1 Tolerable total elongation |
Rennert, R. et al / Rechnerischer Festigkeitsnachweis für Maschinenbauteile / VDMA / Frankfurt / Main / 2012 / 6. Auflage
Herrmann, F. et al / FAT 128: Lebensdauer von Blechen mit Sicken / Forschungsvereinigung Automobiltechnik / … / 1996 / …