Energy use deep drawing

The production of materials or products in manufacturing systems requires information, energy and raw materials. Due to the limited availability of energy and raw material sources, there is a need for sustainable production. In order to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the possibilities of future generations, there is a demand for material and energy efficiency. This is a central ethical task of modern engineering work.64
The optimal use of raw materials and energy for the production of products requires the development of manufacturing processes with high efficiency and minimal material losses. Stamping and forming techniques in general, and deep drawing in particular, meet these requirements.
In the future, preference will be given to manufacturing processes that enable a high recycling rate of the materials used. Formed stamped parts offer excellent conditions for this. The recycling rate of aluminum and steel is over 50% in Germany.
In deep drawing, the energy consumption of the forming machine used is of crucial importance. However, with modern intermediate speeds in the form of die-cushioned drawing cusion , energy consumption can be significantly improved.65
Key figures for the energy consumption of individual production steps or processes are important decision-making bases for replacement or new investments and can contribute to positively influencing competitiveness.
A first potential for saving energy results from the consideration of reducing the difference between the theoretically required energy consumption and the energy consumption actually used in existing production facilities. With a careful adjustment of the required final energy input to the equipment used, savings of up to 30% are possible without additional investments. With partial modernization, savings of up to 40% are possible. 66