Material behavior

When a body is loaded, stresses are a measure of load and strains are a measure of deformation. The physical relationship between stresses and strains is called the material law. The material law depends on the material used and can only be determined through experiments.
There are no rigid bodies. This is why external forces and moments on solid bodies always result in a deformation. The deformation can be reversible or irreversible.4
Elastic material behavior
When the load is relieved, the deformation disappears immediately or with a time delay. The most important parameters for this are young's modulus and shear modulus.
Plastic material behavior
Exceeding an elastic deformation limit ( onset of yielding ) leads to plastic deformation, which is a permanent change in the real structure. The deformation can be explained by the movement of dislocations on the metallic crystal plane. In forming technology, plastic behavior is described, among other things, by flow curves and anisotropy.