Knowledge of material properties


A thorough understanding of the material properties can significantly reduce the scrap rate. It is often possible to make a statement about the suitability for forming using material analyzes before cutting a coil (roll of metal strip). An example of this is the metastable austenitic stainless steel 1.4301, which we divide into different stability classes. If the suitability for forming is already known in the delivered condition, an unstable coil can be used for simpler bending tasks, for example. In this way, rejects can be avoided. This knowledge helps companies to further improve their material efficiency while ensuring the quality of their products.70

Hünicke, U.-D. et al.EFB - Forschungsbericht Nr. 147: Neue Methoden zur Beurteilung der Umformeigenschaften von Feinblechen aus nichtrostenden EdelstahlwerkstoffenEuropäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e. V.Hannover Rostock2000
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