
Tool geometry
Fig. 1
Tool geometry for ① recoil draw ② flangeless draw
rb bottom radius rST punch radius rM die radius pN blankholder pressure uZ clearance

The vertical walls of a drawn part become thicker towards the open side. The tangential compressive stresses cause the sheet metal to become thicker than the sheet thickness s0. This is limited by the clearance uZ (distance between punch and drawing ring). If the sheet metal completely fills the clearance , there is a superimposed stretching of the sheet metal.****

Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} u_{\color{myred}Zmax}\leq s_{\color{myred}0}\cdot\sqrt{\beta_{\color{myred}0}}
ClearanceuZ max1.41mm 
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
Draw ratioβ0 = 2
Calc 1
Maximum clearance

For the draw ratio β0 see Round Drawn Parts.

The drawing force reaches its smallest value at the largest permissible clearance uZ max.

If the internal dimensions of the workpiece are given, the punch diameter is fixed and the drawing die becomes 2 x the clearance larger. If the outer diameter of the drawn part is dimensioned, the punch diameter is selected so that it is equal to the drawing die - 2 x clearance.*

With a small draw ratio β0, a small die radius rM and the gap width uZ < s0 can be selected. The frame is then stretched during deep drawing. However, the floor can tear off due to the increasing drawing force.*

Eqn. 2
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} u_{\color{myred}Z}=\left(1,3...1,5\right)\cdot s_{\color{myred}0}
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
ConstantC = 1.4
Calc 2
Recommended clearance*
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