206 Articles  2274 Elements

Punch Radius

Tool geometry
Fig. 1
Tool geometry for ① recoil draw ② flangeless draw
rb bottom radius rST punch radius rM die radius pN blankholder pressure uZ clearance

The rounding radius on the deep-drawing punch r St should be 4 to 5 times the sheet thickness:**

Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} r_{\color{myred}St}\geq\left(4 … 5\right)\cdot s_{\color{myred}0}
Punch radiusrSt=4.5mm 
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
Calc 1
Punch radius rSt General

With small die radii r M, the punch radius r St must not be smaller than the drawing die radius r St > r M

Punch radius in second draw

The most favorable drawing conditions are achieved in the second draw with a die inlet angle of 45° and a punch radius of:*

Eqn. 2
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} r_{\color{myred}St}=\frac{d_{\color{myred}St}}3
Punch radiusrSt=33.33mm 
Punch diameterdSt = 100mm
Calc 2
Punch radius rSt in the second draw*
Eqn. 3
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} r_{\color{myred}St}=\frac{d_{\color{myred}St}}{5 … 10}=\frac{d_{\color{myred}St}}C
Punch radiusrSt=14.29mm 
Punch diameterdSt = 100mm
ConstantC = 7
Calc 3
Punch radius rSt in second draw*

For redrawings, the relationship r St 2 ≈ r St 1 applieshowever > r M

Tschätsch, H.Praxis der UmformtechnikViewegWiesbaden20037. Auflage
Semmlinger, E.; Hellwig, W.Spanlose Fertigung: Schneiden-Biegen-ZiehenVieweg Fachbücher19904. Auflage
Herold, G.; Kluge, M. EFB-Forschungsbericht Nr. 61: Simulation des Formstempeltiefziehens im WeiterschlagEuropäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e. V. Hannover1994
Grüning, K.UmformtechnikVieweg FachbücherBraunschweig19864. Auflage
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