Flow Curve 1.4301

Flow curve 1.4301
Fig. 1
Flow curve 1.4301
k f cold yield stress φ natural strain

The steep increase in the cold flow curve applies up to a natural strain of around 0.4. After that, the flow curve runs almost horizontally.11

Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} k_{\color{myred}f}=\left\{\begin{array}{lc}1480\cdot\left(0,08+\varphi\right)^{\color{myred}0,447}&if\;\varphi\;<0,4\\1045&else\end{array}\right.
Eqn. 2
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} k_{\color{myred}fm}=\frac{k_{\color{myred}f1}+k_{\color{myred}f2}}2
Yield stresskf=809MPa 
Average work hardeningkfm=927MPa 
Natural strainφ = 0.2
φ1 = 0.2
φ2 = 0.6
Calc 1
Flow curve 1.430111
Doege, E. et. al.Fließkurvenatlas metallischer WerkstoffeHanser VerlagMünchen1986
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