Blankholder Pressure

Designations deep drawing
Fig. 1
Designations deep drawing
dA Flange diameter d0 blank diameter d1 punch diameter h drawn part height pn blank holder blankholder pressure s0 wall thickness rM drawing ring radius μ1 coefficient of friction of friction sheet metal / blankholder μ2 coefficient of friction of friction sheet metal / drawing die μ3 coefficient of friction of friction sheet metal / drawing ring radius

Precise adjustment of blank holder pressure, also known as blank or blank holders, is critical to successfully drawing a part. Excessive blankholder pressure can excessively decelerate the sheet metal, which can cause cracking when flowing around the draw radius. Too low blankholder pressure can cause wrinkling, referred to as first-order wrinkling, in the sheet entry zone (between the outer flange edge and the draw radius).

In contrast, there are second-order creases that can form below the drawing edge up to the punch radius. Excessive draw width (clearance) or a non-cylindrical punch shape is often responsible for this. The blankholder pressure can have a positive effect on the formation of second-order wrinkles, especially if the sheet metal has a high vertical anisotropy.

Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} P_{\color{myred}n}=\left[\left(\beta_{\color{myred}0}-1\right)^{\color{myred}2}+\frac{d_{\color{myred}1}}{200\cdot s_{\color{myred}0}}\right]\cdot\frac{R_{\color{myred}m}}{400}
Blankholder Pressurpn=1.16MPa 
Draw ratioβ0 = 2
Diameter punchd1 = 100mm
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
Tensile strengthRm = 310MPa
Calc 1
blankholder pressure3329

The equation applies to the friction partners steel on steel with drawing oil and mixed friction. The calculated blankholder pressure can be increased by a factor of 4 by using double-sided drawing foil.13

Kugler, H.UmformtechnikCarl Hanser VerlagMünchen2009
Mönig, ElmarTiefziehen rotationssymmetrischer BlechformteileunveröffentlichtBestwig2002
Grüning, K.UmformtechnikVieweg FachbücherBraunschweig19864. Auflage
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