

The calculation is based on the effective blank holder area and the required blankholder pressure. The following relationship results for round drawn parts in the predraw and in subsequent strokes:

Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} F_{\color{myred}N}=\frac\pi4\cdot\left[d_{\color{myred}0}^{\color{myred}2}-\left(d_{\color{myred}1}+2\cdot r_{\color{myred}M}+2\cdot u_{\color{myred}z}\right)^{\color{myred}2}\right]\cdot P_{\color{myred}n}
Blank diameterd0 = 200mm
Diameter punchd1 = 100mm
Die radiusrM = 10mm
ClearanceuZ = 1mm
Blankholder Pressurpn = 1MPa
Calc 1

The required blankholder pressure pn depends on the wall thickness, the punch diameter and the tensile strength of the material (see section on blankholder pressure ).

Other relevant information can be found in the Clearance and Die Radius sections.

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Kdia v1.3.1
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Interactive Sheet Metal Forming Technical Guide