Tearing force


The maximum achievable draw ratio ßnmax in the second draw, similar to the limiting drawing ratio in the first draw, is characterized by the fact that material failure due to bottom cracks is just avoided. Material failure occurs when the required drawing force FZ exceeds the maximum drawing force FBR that can be transmitted by the frame of the drawn part. In the best case, the sheet metal tears at the transition between the punch radius and the frame , since the cross-section is smallest here. The calculation of the tearing force at the bottom when second draw is carried out analogously to the determination of the tearing force at the bottom in the first pull.

The tear off factor aR takes into account the wall thickness and yield stress that actually occur at the point of the crack.1927

Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} F_{\color{myred}BR}=\pi\cdot\left(d_{\color{myred}1}+s_{\color{myred}0}\right)\cdot s_{\color{myred}0}\cdot R_{\color{myred}m}\cdot a_{\color{myred}R}
Eqn. 2
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} a_{\color{myred}R}=1\dots1,6
Tearing forceFBR=98.36kN 
Diameter punchd1 = 100mm
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
Tensile strengthRm = 310MPa
Tearing FactoraR = 1
Calc 1
Tearing force19
Fig. 1
tear off factor as a function of stamp edge rounding37
① St14 ② Stainless steel 1.4301 aR tear off factor rS Stamp edge rounding
Eqn. 3
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} a_{\color{myred}R}=\frac{F_{\color{myred}BR}}{\pi\cdot\left(d_{\color{myred}1}+s_{\color{myred}0}\right)\cdot s_{\color{myred}0}\cdot R_{\color{myred}m}}
Tearing FactoraR=1.61 
Tearing forceFBR = 158kN
Diameter punchd1 = 100mm
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
Tensile strengthRm = 310MPa
Calc 2
Tear off factor37

The tear off factor can be determined experimentally by knowing the pull-off force. It varies depending on the tensile strength Rm , the punch radius rS , the workpiece material, the initial sheet thickness s0 and the average frame circumference, with values between 0.92 and 1.55.1935

LangeUmformtechnik BlechbearbeitungSpringer VerlagBerlin19902. Auflage
Herold, G.; Kluge, M. EFB-Forschungsbericht Nr. 61: Simulation des Formstempeltiefziehens im WeiterschlagEuropäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechverarbeitung e. V. Hannover1994
Strackerjahn, W.Die Voraussage des Versagensfalls beim Tiefziehen rechteckiger TeileDissertationHannover1982
Döge, E.Untersuchung über die maximal übertragbare Stempelkraft beim Tiefziehen rotationssymmetrischer zylindrischer ZiehteileUniversität BerlinBerlin1963
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