Bending force I

V die stamping
Fig. 1
V-die bending ① ② & embossing ③
α Bending angle FSt Punch force hB Bending height lB Bending length s0 Sheet thickness w Drawing width
Eqn. 1
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} F_{\color{myred}St\;max}=\left(1+4\cdot\frac{s_{\color{myred}0}}w\right)\cdot R_{\color{myred}m}\cdot l_{\color{myred}B}\cdot\frac{s_{\color{myred}0}^{\color{myred}2}}w
Eqn. 2
\require{color}\definecolor{myred}{RGB}{255,0,0} W_{\color{myred}B}=F_{\color{myred}St\;max}\cdot h_{\color{myred}B}\cdot m_{\color{myred}B}
Max. punch forceFSt max=4.34kN 
Bending workWB=48.82J 
Tensile strengthRm = 310MPa
Sheet thicknesss0 = 1mm
Draw distancew = 10mm
Bending lengthlB = 100mm
Bend heighthB = 15mm
Mean factor bendingmB = 0.75
Calc 1
Maximum force FSt max die bending according to Oehler
Similar to deep drawing, the mean factors are between 0.6...0.9.

For steel sheets in the thickness range 0.5mm ≤ s0 ≤ 10mm and with 5 ≤ w / s0 ≤ 20 and w / rst ≥ 5, this relationship yielded results that corresponded well with experimental findings.19

Material parameters eg from the table for sample materials.
LangeUmformtechnik BlechbearbeitungSpringer VerlagBerlin19902. Auflage
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